Equality Statement

Equality Statement

At the Prince Albert Community Trust we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity and the absence of unfair discrimination is provided for all stakeholders in line with the Equality Act 2010.
Stakeholders are defined as all people that we have a duty of care to protect while in attendance at any of our schools or premises. (This extends to those engaged in activities remotely, such as dialling in to virtual/online meetings) . Those people are:

  • Pupils.
  • Staff.
  • Parents.
  • Local academy representatives / Trustees.
  • Visitors.
  • Contractors.
  • Supply / temporary staff.

We aim to demonstrate this equality of opportunity through all aspects of school life by removing barriers to learning and success through our work in the classroom, our pastoral and inclusion support systems, out of hours learning opportunities, our links with the wider community and our recruitment and retention of staff.
Our employees should feel safe in their workplace and not be subjected to discriminatory behaviour directed towards them from any other stakeholders in the school community. This includes pupils, their parents/carers and members of the community that we serve.

We seek to demonstrate our commitment to providing equality of opportunity by:

  • Ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
  • Making sure that our school is a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone.
  • Recognising that people have different needs, and understanding that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all exactly the same.
  • Recognising that some pupils need extra support to help them make progress and be successful.
  • Aiming to ensure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through talking to pupils and parents/carers, and through our School Council.
  • Aiming to make sure that no-one experiences harassment, less favourable treatment or discrimination because of:
      • Age
      • Disability
      • Race
      • Gender
      • Gender re-assignment
      • Religion and belief
      • Sexual orientation
      • Marriage and civil partnership
      • Being pregnant or having recently had a baby

 Any unfavourable treatment towards our employees will not be tolerated by Prince Albert Community Trust and the perpetrator will be held to account using the relevant policy. This applies to all stake holders, inclusive of community members. 


Contact Us

Prince Albert Community Trust
c/o Prince Albert High School
115 Holford Drive
Perry Barr
B42 4TU

Phone: 0121 805 1799


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